Rosacea treatments are aimed at decreasing the flare-ups and redness. There are a lot of options, and the costs vary widely.
There are prescription medications approved for rosacea, like Metrogel (metronidazole), Finacea gel (azelaic acid), and Oracea (doxycycline). Other medications may work for some people, but the medications are not specifically approved in rosacea, like Retin-A (tretinoin), salicylic acid, and sulfacetamide.
Since small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) has been named as a cause of rosacea, a long list of antibiotics might offer some improvement. Some studies have shown a remission of rosacea after treatment, but antibiotics can take a toll on your body in other ways.
If you can afford it, laser is an option, especially if you have visible blood vessels on your face. Or if you can find a doctor near you who has it, maybe try thermocoagulation for the tiny visible veins on your face.
If you want non-prescription or even natural rosacea treatments, there are a variety of options. Plain old apple cider vinegar (acetic acid) can help bring down the redness for many of us, but it won't do much for visible blood vessels. Topical zinc oxide powder can also help conceal as well as reduce redness.
Some of the cheapest options are all about avoidance of things that make your skin worse. Makeup can be a problem, especially preservatives. I found that anything with parabens in it is a problem for me. Luckily, I can avoid that by reading the labels!
There are also some diet changes that may help. I have personally found that the less wheat I eat, the better my skin is in every way. This is because wheat promotes inflammation in the body, and since rosacea is an inflammatory skin condition, the less I aggravate it, the better it is.
Sugar is another thing that makes me look worse. I have discovered xylitol instead of sugar, and that has helped a lot. By using xylitol and cutting out added sugar, I have decreased my sugar consumption by over 2 tablespoons a day, which adds up to 10 pounds a year. I noticed that my belly fat is disappearing, too!
Tomatoes, peppers, and potatoes are also inflammatory--did you know they contain solanine, which can cause inflammation in some people? A diet high in omega-6s, like corn and other grains, is also inflammatory.
If they ever finally find the cause of rosacea, treatment could become more targeted, but for now, you have to be your own clinical trial to figure out what works best for you.
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Go to Rosadyn for rosacea
Go to Rosacea diet
Go to Squalene for rosacea
Go to Thermocoagulation for rosacea
Go to SIBO
Go to Colloidal silver for rosacea